GenomeHistory 2.1 Documentation
Revision History:
9-29-05: Added a feature (ol=ON) which allows GenomeHistory to print the lengths of duplicate pairs
found and the number of aligned residues for the pair.
10-1-13: Version 2.0 of GenomeHistory. New features include:
- Use of NCBI BLAST and not WashU BLAST
- Removal of the dependancy on CLUSTALW
- Merging of all c++ functions into the single "gh_module" program
- GenomeHistory no longer produces temporary files in the main directory
- Local alignments are now possible
- It is now possible to include gap characters in the analysis
12-1-17: When searching a list of genes, it is now possible to ignore hits to other genes on that list (il=ON).
11-30-24: Version 2.1 of GenomeHistory. Primarily a bug-fix for newer versions of BLAST so that BLAST hits are not missed by GenomeHistory.
Downloading GenomeHistory 2.1
The current release of GenomeHistory is avaliable from
our website
file included with GenomeHistory for installation instructions.
Citing GenomeHistory:
Conant, G. C. and Wagner, A. (2002) GenomeHistory: A software tool and
its application to fully sequenced genomes, Nucleic Acids Research,
30(15): 3378-3386 [Reprint]
Running GenomeHistory:
GenomeHistory can be invoked either with command-line options or
through the use of a command file. An
example command file is included. The command-line options
be obtained by typing % with no
Possible options are:
Long Option
Short Option
Protein sequences |
pi |
=<protein sequences file> |
orf_trans.fasta |
ORF sequences |
ni |
=<nucleotide sequences file> |
orf_coding.fasta |
Output file |
o |
=<output file> |
genome_ks.txt |
Error file |
e |
=<error file> |
genome_ks.err |
Gene file |
gf |
=<Gene name file> |
Gene Name Field |
gn |
=<Gene name field #> |
2 |
BLAST matrix location |
bl |
= /usr/local/wublast/BLOSUM62 |
Only Top BLAST match |
tb |
NO |
BLAST threshold |
bt |
=0.001 |
0.01 |
Minimum ORF Translation length |
mo |
=55 |
40 |
Minimum Number Aligned Residues |
ma |
=45 |
40 |
Percent identity threshold |
pt |
=0.70 |
0.50 |
Output Length Information |
ol |
Warnings |
w |
Genetic code |
gc |
U (Universal) |
Ordered Gene List |
og |
NO |
Base Frequencies |
bf |
Ignore List Gene Hits |
il |
Checkpoint |
cp |
Alignment method |
am |
Exclude Gaps |
eg |
=<YES/NO> |
Any combinations of options may be used. When used on the
line, only the short option format is allowed. The command file
the same set of options, but allows either format. Note that in
cases the equal (=) sign is required. Options are not
(but filenames may be).
Example command-line invocation:
% pa=my_genome.fasta na=my_genome_nuc.fasta
Example command file invocation:
% genome_analysis.txt
Generating the example dataset:
GenomeHistory 2 includes a small example dataset (a portion of the yeast
genome) that can be used to test your installation of
From the GenomeHistory_2.1 directory, type (% is your prompt)
% test_analysis.txt
This will create two new files, test_ks.txt and test_ks.err.
These files should be identical to the example files provided, example_ks.txt
You can compare them using the UNIX "diff"command:
% diff test_ks.txt example_ks.txt
% diff test_ks.err example_ks.err
In theory, "diff" should not print
anything. However, if you are using a different version of clustalw (not 1.82), there may be (mostly minor) differences.
Notes and Tips:
Locating nucleotide sequences corresponding to protein sequences:
One of the chief difficulties with the sort of genome analysis
by GenomeHistory is matching nucleotide sequences to protein
By default, GenomeHistory 2 does this using keywords in the FASTA header
files (see the Gene Name Field option). Unfortuntately, some genomes do
not provide identifiers that allow one to one matching between protein
sequences and their corresponding nucleotide sequences.
problem can be overcome with a second matching method if the genome's
and protein sequences are listed in a one to one order (meaning protein
sequence number 1 is the translation of nucleotide sequence number 1
This second method is invoked with the Ordered gene list =
option and simply uses the order that genes are listed in the two files
to identify nucleotide sequences. Microbial genomes seem
suited for use with this option, as alternative splicing and gene
are less of a problem for these genomes.
Using the Genename field to locate nucleotide sequences:
If you are experiencing numerous errors where GenomeHistory is not able
to find nucleotide sequences for genes, you may want to experiment with
the "Gene Name Field =" option. Sequences in the nucleotide files
may have slightly different names than those in the protein sequence
but the unquie identifiers should match. For instance, the
yeast genome stores unique names in field #2, while Arabidopsis uses
field 3. Note that this option will only be effective if there is
a unquie identifier common to both protein and nucleotide sequences
instance the YXX### format yeast gene identifiers). If you cannot
find such an identifier, you may want to experiment with the Ordered
gene list = yes option described above.
The running time of GenomeHistory_2 is in large part dictated by the
of BLAST hits retained for each gene. In general, the lower
E-value) the BLAST threshold is to, the fewer gene pairs will be
and the faster the analysis will be. The trade-off, of course, is
the potential to miss significant hits. We have found values
E < 0.00001 to be quite conservative for the yeast genome.
BLAST in non-default locations:
BLAST expects to be installed at
If this is not where you have installed BLAST, you will need to use the
"BLAST matrix location" option to locate your installation. For
Genetic Codes:
The Genetic code option takes on the following possible values:
- U: Universal
- VM: Vertebrate mitochondrial
- YM: Yeast mitochondrial
- MM: Mold mitochondrial
- IM: Invertebrate mitochondrial
- CN: ciliate nuclear
- EM: Echinoderm mitochondrial.
Using the "Only Top BLAST match=YES" option:
When this option is used, Ks and Ka is calculated
for each gene and its top BLAST hit, no matter what the E-value of that
hit. Thus, the "BLAST threshold" option is meaningless in this
Repeated analysis of gene pairs:
Gene pairs could potentially represented (and analyzed) in two ways
1, Gene 2) and (Gene 2, Gene 1). Under normal circumstances,
will only analyze one of these two combinations (the first one that
However if the option "Only Top BLAST match = YES" is set, or if the
"Gene file = <filename>" is used, both comparisions may be made,
these two options may be used in analyses where it is not desirable to
exclude reciprocal comparisions.
Identical Sequences:
Each sequence pair for which Ks/Ka are calculated
is first checked to be sure that the two sequences are not
If they are, the word IDENTICAL is entered in the output rather than
Saturation in Ks values:
If the divergence time between two gene pairs is sufficiently long,
may no longer be sufficient information in the two sequences to
Ks. Such sequences are said to be saturated.
numerical algorithms for estimating Ks under likelihood
directly determine that sequences are saturated. Instead we have
implemented a simple test: After the likelihood maximization is
the Ks value for the pair is multiplied by 10 and the
is recalculated. If this likelihood is as high or higher than the
original likelihood, that indicates that the sequence pair has
Ks, and that Ks value in the output is marked
an *. Of course, this test does not address the problem of the
variances associated with high, but unsaturated, Ks
Researchers will want to remember this issue when selecting duplicate
for analyses. A forthcoming manscript will discuss this issue in
more detail (Hahn, Conant and Wagner, Journal of Molecular
in press)
When the "Checkpoint" option is ON, GenomeHistory will look for a
file called .GenomeHistory.chkpnt.(argfile) (where argfile is the
file) or .GenomeHistory.chkpnt.cmdline (if invoking from the command
If this file is found, GenomeHistory will restart from the point listed
in this file. This option is useful for stopping jobs and
them at a later time. For checkpointing to work
you must specify the same output and error filenames on the restart as
were originally used.
Note that the checkpoint file is created whether or not Checkpointing
is turned on.
File names:
You can use any combination of absolute and relative paths when
filenames to GenomeHistory.
Length information option:
This option will cause GenomeHistory to print the length of each
pair of duplicate genes found and the number of non-gap aligned residues
for the pair. The option is useful if you wish to filter for partial
Warnings option:
By default, any gene pair that do not meet the three analysis criteria
after pairwise alignment are discarded without further warnings.
By specifying "Warnings=on", you can output WARNING entries in the
file that indicate why a particular pair was discarded. This
however, has the potential to make the error file very large.
Base Frequencies:
By default, GenomeHistory uses the observed base frequencies at each
position in the calculation of Ks and Ka (in other words, the
composition at each codon position is averaged between the two
In some cases, it may be preferable to use the over-all average base
(OBSERVED) which does not break down the composition by codon
It is also possible to use equal frequencies for all bases (EQUAL).
By default, GenomeHistory removes all gap positions in alignments
calculating Ks and Ka. This is done
gap characters can tend to downwardly bias estimates of sequence
(Yang, Z., 2000, Mol. Bio. Evol. 51:423-432). Use eg=NO to turn off this feature.
Alignment Matrices:
By default, both BLAST and gh_module use the BLOSUM62 amino acid
matrix for sequence alignments. The BLAST matrix can be changed
the "BLAST matrix location= " option, provided you have another
matrix in the appropriate format. To use a different matrix in
gh_module, contact the authors.
Comments on basic installation process:
To build and use the package, you will need a c and a c++ compiler
(preferably the GNu gcc and g++) and
the NCBI implementation of BLAST.
The make command will build liblapack
(a partial lapack library), libf2c (because lapack was originally built
in Fortran) and
gh_module (which handles the alignment, % difference and Ka/Ks computation)
You will need to add the GenomeHistory_2.1 directory to your path.
You can then run the program
by typing <filename> where <filename> is a
file with the parameters for the run.
An example input file with descriptions of each command is included
at GenomeHistory_2.1/test_analysis.txt
Other platforms:
This package was developed and tested on a Mac OS X (10.5) system
the gcc compilers. It should work on
other platforms, but has not been tested on them. Use
or edit the file GenomeHistory_2.1/ to
change the name of your c and c++ compiler.
Ignore within gene-list hits when searching
It can be desirable to define a list of genes to search with that is a subset of the total list (Gene File=) but not to allow hits between pairs of genes on this list. For instance, when comparing two genomes to find orthologs, one can define a gene list consisting of Genome #1 and omit hits between pairs of genes in that genome with the with the Ignore List Gene Hits=ON option (added 12/1/17).
Bug History:
7-29-02: Fixed a bug that caused incorrect nucleotide sequences
be returned in genomes (such as Drosophila) where gene names
be substrings of each other (e.g. CT1187 and CT11871).
with this problem were still analyzed correctly, but also generated an
error message.
10-27-03: Fixed a bug that resulted in some gene pairs where Ks
= 0 (reported as Ks <10-4) being reported as
saturated in synonymous substitutions.
01-07-04: Fixed a bug preventing the "Ordered Gene list=YES" option
from working properly when a "Gene File" was provided.
10-08-04: Fixed a bug which caused GenomeHistory to fail to create
nucleotide alignments for calculating Ks and Ka
when compiled with gcc 3.0.
10-17-04: Fixed a bug in the GenomeHistory perl script which prevented the
analysis of gene pairs with E values of 0.0 when using some versions of WU-BLAST. Special thanks to Luke Hakes and Ignazio Carbone for help finding these last two bugs.
10-25-07: Fixed a bug which resulted in the nonstandard genetic codes not working properly. Also added the Mycoplasma genetic code to the code options
08-22-13: Fixed a bug which resulted in the "top BLAST hit" option not working with NCBI BLAST. Thanks for Seanna McTaggart for finding this one
03-21-16: Fixed a bug which resulted in identical nucleotide sequences having Ks reported as "NA"
11-5-18: Added a capacity to use the newer blastp program from NCBI rather than the older blastall -p blastp
12-20-23: Fixed a bug where genes in a gene list that were not in the sequence file generated spurious matches
Included c++ packages:
The actual computational work of GenomeHistory is performed by
traditional c++ executables. In addition to BLAST, this involves the gh_module program:
- gh_module: This program performs a protein alignment, calculates its %ID. Then, if that %ID passes the threshold,
it computes the nucleotide alignment and Ka and Ks
Structure of the c++ codes (Advanced users):
The c++ program gh_module uses a common
set of classes. Of these, some of the more important are:
- Exchange: By analogy to a telephone exchange, this
class is
the central repository of global parameters that all of the other
need to know about. It mostly consists of public variables and
functions to those variables. Improper settings in this class can
give strange results in programs. For instance, it is important
set to model of evolution in the exchange, as certain Boolean flags
be set correctly for codon-based models to work.
- Sequence_dataset: A simple data structure class
protein or nucleotide sequences. It is primarily intended for
sequences (so that each sequence is of the same length).
- Read_Sequence: This is actually the base class for a
of classes
designed to read various sequence file formats. Currently
formats are:
- PHYLIP (Interleaved only)
Support for these formats may not be complete. - Like_model:
This is the base class for the
likelihood calculations.
Models of evolution are implemented as derived classes. All
models are multiply inherited, with one side of the inheritance
whether the model is nucleotide based or codon-based and the other side
describing the model of nucleotide substitution (for instance, Kimura
- Tree: This class implements a bifurcating tree
used for phylogenetic trees. In GenomeHistory, the only tree used
is a degenerate two-tip tree.
- Genetic_Code: This is the base class that
genetic codes. To be compatible with some of my earlier codes,
base class Genetic_code functions equivalently to the derived